Sandia releases 2022 Microgrid Conceptual Design Guidebook

photo of microgrid report front page

Sandia National Laboratories’ microgrid research and development team has released the 2022 Microgrid Conceptual Design Guidebook. Using the framework described in this guidebook, stakeholders can come together to quantify site-specific vulnerabilities, identify the most significant risks to electricity delivery, and establish electric outage tolerances across various communities.

The guidebook includes an introduction to electric power systems and energy resilience frameworks, a conceptual design activity, relevant business models, and an overview of key operational tools.

The guidebook framework is intended to facilitate a systematic approach to planning for resilience and provide a deeper understanding of how to use a framework to make decisions around microgrid solutions.

Read the complete Sandia 2022 Microgrid Conceptual Design Guidebook.

Learn more about Sandia’s Electric Grid program.

April 27, 2022