By Michael Padilla
Representatives from Sandia took part in Montana’s first Department of Energy (DOE) National Lab Day last month at Montana Technological University (Montana Tech).
The goal of the Montana Tech event was to enable Montanans to learn about and explore opportunities for partnerships with DOE national laboratories. This event was similar to National Lab Day events on Capitol Hill, as well as those held in specific states such as Ohio, Delaware, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alaska.
Participating labs included Sandia, Idaho, Argonne, Los Alamos, Lawrence Berkeley, Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest, and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories; Ames Laboratory; National Energy Technology Laboratory; SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory; Naval Nuclear Laboratory; and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Sandia’s role as a federally funded research and development center was at the forefront of all discussions held over the course of the event. Presenters from Sandia focused on how Sandia provides technically informed advice to the nation and how the Labs’ capabilities and expertise accelerate advancements in science and innovation.
Sandia staff and researchers participated in panels, breakout sessions, and presentations spanning topics such as how to connect with DOE national laboratories, water, grid security and energy distribution, remote-sensing, and fossil and subsurface science.
October 28, 2019