Sandia conducts cybersecurity research to reduce threats to nation’s wind fleet

Wind energy-specific cybersecurity research and development is critical to the defensive protection of wind assets from cyber threats. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO) recognizes the need to assess risks and consequences associated with malicious activities—whether physical or cyber—and has prioritized the strengthening of the wind energy industry’s cyber resiliency. Currently, WETO-funded research teams from three national laboratories, including Sandia National Laboratories, are working proactively to strengthen security measures, policies, and information technology infrastructure for wind turbines.

“As wind energy continues to play an increasing role in our nation’s energy infrastructure, it is imperative that we remain cognizant of the real threat that cyber and other attacks can pose to our energy systems,” said Jim Ahlgrimm, WETO’s acting director in a statement. “DOE and its national laboratories support R&D initiatives that will help identify, protect, detect, respond to, and recover from such attacks.”

Read the complete WETO article.

Learn more about Sandia’s Wind Energy Program.

February 17, 2023