Remote, energy-challenged communities urged to contact ETIPP Partner Network

Sandia National Laboratories’ Water Power and Renewable Energy and Distributed Systems Integration programs–members of the Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP) Partner Network– encourage remote, island, or islanded communities seeking more resilient, reliable, and less costly energy options to contact their ETIPP Regional Partners before the January 2022 ETIPP competition begins.

Remote, island, and islanded communities often experience unique energy challenges such as frequent energy disruptions, threats to energy infrastructure from natural hazards, and high energy costs. Selected ETIPP communities can expect to receive substantial in-kind support from the ETIPP national labs in the form of technical expertise on energy analysis, planning and implementation, as well as general ETIPP program guidance and education from the ETIPP regional partners.

Interested communities that contact an ETIPP regional partner organization will find experts that are experienced in supporting community-based energy transitions and are committed to providing detailed information about the program and assistance with the application process.

To learn more about the project, visit the Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project, or visit the ETIPP application webpage to understand eligibility requirements as a “remote, island, or islanded” community and review application preparation steps.

To learn more about Sandia’s participation in ETIPP, contact Jesse Roberts in the Water Power program and/or Matt Lave in the Renewable Energy and Distributed Systems Integration program.  

December 8, 2021