Registration is Now Open for the DOE OE Peer Review and EESAT 2017

Register now for the DOE OE Energy Storage Peer Review, October 9-10, and the 10th Biennial Electrical Energy Storage Applications and Technologies (EESAT) Conference, October 11-13, co-located at the Westin Hotel—Gaslamp District, in San Diego, California (USA).

The annual U.S. Department of Energy Office of Electricity and Energy Reliability Peer Review is a programmatic review of projects funded by the DOE OE Energy Storage Program. The 2017 EESAT Conference theme is Energy Storage: Evolution and Revolution and provides a format to revisit critical, turning point research coupled with new frontiers in technology development and emerging applications for the smarter modern electricity grid.

Registration: Attend either or both events for one registration fee of $800. This allows attendees to attend all DOE Peer Review activities, the Networking Dinner Cruise, all EESAT conference activities, and special recognition luncheon. Guests are welcome to attend the dinner cruise and evening receptions for $200.

Hotel: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Westin San Diego Gaslamp Hotel for a discounted price of $219/night. Rooms will be available until September 15, subject to availability.

Sponsorship: Sponsorship at EESAT 2017 offers companies enhanced opportunities for networking opportunities and visibility. Levels range from $2,500 – $20,000.

For more information about the agenda, speakers, and conference venue for either event, visit

August 15, 2017