Registration is now open for the 2022 Sandia Blade Workshop

We are pleased to announce registration is now open for the 2022 Sandia Blade Workshop to be held Oct. 17-20, 2022, in Albuquerque, NM.

To register, please visit the Eventbrite webpage, and keep in mind that your registration is not complete until also paying the registration fee on Sandia Pay. The registration fee is waived for invited speakers and panelists.

The workshop brings together wind industry experts, wind farm stakeholders and operators, manufacturers, and researchers to address the major topics for wind turbine blades, facilitate interaction and networking among the attendees and identify future technology pathways.

We look forward to seeing you this year to connect, exchange ideas, and explore the latest in wind turbine blade research and development. Join our knowledgeable speakers and panelists for engaging wind turbine blades presentations and panel sessions and much more on the following themes:

  • The Path to 100% Carbon Free Electricity in New Mexico
  • High Value Rotor Design
  • Owners and Operators
  • Future Rotor Technology
  • Reliability and Repairs
  • Aerodynamics, Power Performance, and Wakes
  • Materials and Manufacturing
  • Controls Integrated Design
  • Offshore and Large Rotors
  • Data Analytics and AI
  • Practical Experiences with Blade Add-ons

We encourage you to join us for project meetings, international working groups, collaboration, and networking on Monday, Oct. 17th and Thursday, Oct. 20th. The workshop will be in-person only, and unfortunately, we are not able to offer a virtual participation option.

June 29, 2022