Pre-register soon for Sandia National Laboratories’ National Solar Thermal Test Facility tours Sept. 26th and 30th during SolarPACES 2022 in Albuquerque, NM

May 31st deadline for required pre-registration is quickly approaching (no upfront payment required)

Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia) will host two tours of the National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) on Sept. 26th and Sept. 30th, 2022, as part of the upcoming SolarPACES 2022 conference to be held in Albuquerque, NM, Sept. 27-30, 2022.

Because Sandia is a U.S. Federal Facility and located on Kirtland Air Force Base, visitors for these tours will need to pre-register early. Pre-registration is used to conduct a background check, and only those conference attendees that complete the pre-registration by May 31, 2022, and obtain approval will later be able to register for one of the tours.

Approvals will be handled on a first-come-first-serve basis, and due to limited space, those interested are encouraged to submit their pre-registration information as soon as possible and before the May 31st deadline.

Once approved, attendees will be able to register and pay as soon as the general conference registration is open. Payment is NOT yet required for pre-registration.

For US Citizens:
Click here to download the pre-registration forms for US citizens. Once filled out, send them to:

For non-US Citizens:
Click here to download the pre-registration forms for non-US citizens. Once filled out, send them to:, together with a scan of your passport or LPR (green card).

Description of Tour:
For over 40 years, the NSTTF has been a pioneer and leading facility in the advancement of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technologies worldwide. The U.S. Department of Energy selected Sandia’s Albuquerque site to host the National Solar Thermal Test Facility, with construction beginning in 1976 and the NSTTF officially opening in 1978. Today, research and development activities include testing of solar integrated supercritical CO2 cycles, high temperature falling particle and liquid receivers, thermal energy storage, heliostat optics, industrial process heat applications, and autonomous collector technologies. Visitors will be taken to each of the major facilities at the NSTTF where they can engage in interactive discussions with staff members to learn about active research being conducted in each area.

SolarPACES (Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems) is an international cooperative network bringing together teams of national experts from around the world to focus on the development and marketing of concentrating solar power systems (also known as solar thermal power systems). Since 1980, it has been the foremost symposium for the who’s who in concentrating solar power and chemical energy systems, offering a forum for research, industry, politics, and financing stakeholders within the framework of a scientific conference program with leading world experts.

For questions about the NSTTF tour or pre-registration, please email

Learn more about the NSTTF.

Learn more about SolarPACES 2022.

May 18, 2022