Since 2016, the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Technology Commercialization Fund has promoted National Laboratories’ promising energy technologies and expanded their impact. With the latest solicitation announced for 2020, private companies can find support to collaborate with Sandia and other National Laboratories to commercialize promising energy technologies.
Strengthening partnerships, realizing potential
The Technology Commercialization Fund helps national labs and research partners mature promising energy technologies and move them to the marketplace. The fund is part of a broader set of initiatives designed to foster stronger partnerships among DOE facilities, private-sector companies, and other entities involved in bringing energy-related technologies to the marketplace.
The fund also helps promising technologies realize their potential. DOE will match non-Federal contributions from private partners to support the maturation and commercialization of Sandia-developed technologies. DOE expects approximately $24.1 million to $26.1 million of Federal funding to be available.
If you are interested in partnering with Sandia National Laboratories on this opportunity, please contact Sandia’s Technology Commercialization Fund liaison, Elizabeth Hillman, to learn more.
October 2, 2019