Energy management practices earn Sandia recognition as DOE 50001 Ready site

Two men check the liquid cooling system in Sandia's high performance computing building.

Molly Blumhoefer thinks managing energy is just one piece of the puzzle in ensuring Sandia operates efficiently and sustainably. She’s part of Sandia’s energy management team, which has been busy creating a system to organize, measure, improve and, when needed, troubleshoot energy use across the Labs’ California and Albuquerque campuses.

The Department of Energy (DOE) recently acknowledged the team’s efforts by recognizing Sandia as a 50001 Ready site. This designation shows that Sandia is a leader in energy management and performance improvement.

“Going through this process to become recognized by the DOE as 50001 Ready underscores the importance of energy management at Sandia and makes it sustainable long-term,” Blumhoefer said. “Meeting their requirements emphasizes and supports what we are doing and gives us credibility moving forward as we continue to make our operations more energy efficient.”

The team, which also included Danny Alkon, Michael Flores, João Oliveira and Nicole Rinaldi, partnered with Global Strategic Energy to complete the 25 tasks required to achieve 50001 Ready designation, which mimics the structure of the international standard for energy management, ISO 50001. A recent order by DOE recommends that all agency facilities consider implementation of an ISO 50001 or 50001 Ready program to track, analyze and improve energy efficiency.

Read the complete Lab News story.

November 2, 2023