Earth Day 2021

Sandia’s energy programs trace their origins to the 1970s—the same decade as the first-celebrated Earth Day. 

In recognition of Earth Day, take the time to experience a day in the life of researchers at Sandia who study the Earth and develop technologies that work with the Earth to produce energy. Or, take a virtual tour and check out recent research highlights related to energy, climate change, and more sustainable transportation. Finally, browse a compilation of success stories featuring technologies focused on resilience and clean energy.


Atmospheric Sciences at Sandia

Ever wondered how the data for global climate models is collected? Learn how Sandia scientists and engineers develop innovative methods for modeling and measuring the atmosphere in the Arctic as well as other locations.

Geoscience at Sandia

Knowledge of the Earth’s subsurface properties, structure and processes, and surface and atmospheric phenomena, as well as how engineered systems interact with the Earth, helps Sandia contribute solutions to areas of national importance. Hear about a day-in-the-life from Sandia’s geosciences experts. 

Renewable Energy at Sandia

Scientists from Sandia National Laboratories’ Renewable Energy Programs share the work they do and its benefits.

Safely Integrating Renewable Energy into the Grid

Learn more about the considerations and research conducted at Sandia to safely and securely incorporate renewables into the electrical grid.

Take a Virtual Field Trip

Applied Bioscience Laboratory

Algae is one of the fastest-growing plants on the planet and is an ideal source of biomass, which is organic matter that can be used as fuel or other bioproducts. In this tour, stop by Sandia’s algae raceway, located among many of this facility’s labs dedicated to bioscience and biosecurity research.

Open Tour

Campus Tour

Did you know that in 2018, Sandia’s New Mexico campus was awarded the first LEED v.4 for Campus Certification, the first such certification at a Department of Energy lab? In this tour, glimpse Sandia’s history and other energy-saving practices from the rooftops and other locations.

Open Tour

Combustion Research Facility (CRF)

Collaborations are often long-lived. For example, CRF researchers have partnered with U.S. engine manufacturers for more than 30 years in studies to increase the understanding of internal combustion engine processes. Most of this research focuses on improving efficiency and reducing emissions with ever more sophisticated techniques and research hardware deployed to develop high-efficiency, clean engines.

Open Tour

Scaled Wind Farm Technology Facility (SWiFT)

This Earth Day, tour the first public facility to use multiple wind turbines entirely for research and development purposes. Research that improves wind turbine performance and reliability will reduce the cost of wind energy and ensure a sustainable domestic energy source for the future.

Open Tour

National Solar Thermal Test Facility

The National Solar Thermal Test Facility is more simply known as the Solar Tower. The tower and the surrounding facilities are one of the only places in the world where the power of the sun is harnessed to test advanced materials, perform research, and bake cookies. Industry partners and other national labs come here to explore cutting-edge technologies for electricity, processing heat, energy storage, materials testing, and to find large scale solutions for the adoption of Concentrating Solar Power as a viable source of renewable energy.

Open Tour


Success Stories

April 19, 2021