Sandia hydrogen expert Aleš Srna joined researchers from Argonne National Laboratory on February 22nd to present an overview of hydrogen internal combustion engine (H2ICE) technologies as part of the monthly H2IQ webinar series organized and hosted by the Department of Energy (DOE) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office.
The February webinar presented the technical, regulatory, and market drivers of H2ICE technologies. The presenters also shared the history of H2ICE technology, its current status, and key advances needed to bring the technology to market.
In addition, the webinar provided an analysis of some key costs and benefits of the technology for certain applications.
Alongside fuel cells, H2ICEs offer another way to incorporate hydrogen as a fuel source in the transportation sector to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In part, this is because H2ICEs offer additional flexibility and cost benefits while hydrogen infrastructure and fuel cell technologies continue to develop and become more affordable. Over the longer term, H2ICEs could be preferred for applications that operate frequently at peak power; need to perform in harsh, dusty environments; or where there can be extremes in ambient temperature.
Missed the webinar? Visit the Department of Energy H2IQ website for the recorded webinar and other DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office Webinars.
For more information about available research and development capabilities at Sandia related to H2ICE, contact partnerships@sandia.gov.
March 23, 2023