PV Performance Modeling Collaborative accepting workshop proposals

The PV Performance Modeling Collaborative (PVPMC) is currently accepting presentation proposals from the PV community for the 2023 PVPMC Workshop to be held May 9-10, 2023, in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Co-sponsored by Sandia National Laboratories, GroundWorkRenewables and CFV Labs, the two-day workshop will examine the technical challenges and opportunities related to PV module and systems performance modeling. This year, the event will have a single track and cover topics from solar resource assessment, module characterization, and PV performance modeling to advanced performance monitoring and fault detection. 

Proposals are sought within the following topics:  

  • Solar resource assessment 
  • Module characterization 
  • PV performance modeling 
  • Advanced performance monitoring and fault detection
  • Application of PV performance models to grid integration studies 
  • Capacity testing/Commissioning of power plants 
  • Diagnosis of under-performing power plants 

Please include the title, author list, organization name, and a brief technical description of the contribution within the proposal and send it to Joshua Stein (jsstein@sandia.gov). 

Abstracts are due March 6, 2023. 

Program and logistical information, the agenda, and the registration link are forthcoming. For questions, contact Joshua S. Stein

February 1, 2023