Coupling Approaches for Next Generation Architectures (CANGA)

The CANGA project is an integrated approach to develop new coupler services comprising (i) application of tasking programming models to develop a flexible design approach for the coupled E3SM model; (ii) formulation of mathematically sound, stable and accurate coupling strategies for E3SM components; and (iii) development of advanced conservative interpolation (remap) services in support of (i) and (ii). Tasking programming models break up a complex computational model into many smaller tasks with associated data dependencies that can be eciently scheduled across a computing architecture. This approach provides a number of advantages for managing model complexity and improving computational performance on NGPs through enhanced parallelism, fault tolerance and the ability to better map tasks to architectural elements. New coupling strategies and associated analyses will improve how we couple components together and advance the solution in time, providing a sound mathematical basis and optimal techniques that eliminate artifacts associated with previous coupling choices. New remapping services will improve the way E3SM subcomponents exchange information by preserving properties of fields, improving the accuracy of the remapping and allowing the methods to change in space and time to adapt to the evolving solution. The proposed effort will improve E3SM performance on advanced architectures and enable a broad spectrum of mathematical coupling strategies that will enhance our ability to project future changes to the Earth system.