Michael Mitchell

R&D S&E, Computer Science

R&D S&E, Computer Science



Michael Mitchell is a programming and analysis specialist in Systems Research, Analysis, and Applications at Sandia National Laboratories. Resume coming soon;


Patrick Finley, Patrick Finley, Patrick Finley, Patrick Finley, Drew Levin, Drew Levin, Drew Levin, Drew Levin, Tatiana Flanagan, Tatiana Flanagan, Tatiana Flanagan, Tatiana Flanagan, Walter Beyeler, Walter Beyeler, Walter Beyeler, Walter Beyeler, Michael Mitchell, Michael Mitchell, Michael Mitchell, Michael Mitchell, Jaideep Ray, Jaideep Ray, Jaideep Ray, Jaideep Ray, Melanie Moses, Melanie Moses, Melanie Moses, Melanie Moses, Stephanie Forrest, Stephanie Forrest, Stephanie Forrest, Stephanie Forrest, (2018). Biologically inspired approaches for biosurveillance anomaly detection and data fusion https://doi.org/10.2172/1489542 Publication ID: 60662

Andjelka Kelic, Michael Mitchell, Donald Shirah, (2017). Modeling the Internet https://doi.org/10.2172/1414058 Publication ID: 54668

Walter Beyeler, Patrick Finley, Alex Walser, Michael Mitchell, Christopher Frazier, (2017). Resilience in Disease Outbreak Response: Modeling Medical Laboratory Networks in Developing Countries https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1471956 Publication ID: 58518

Walter Beyeler, Patrick Finley, William Arndt, Alex Walser, Michael Mitchell, (2016). Biosecurity through Public Health System Design https://doi.org/10.2172/1333488 Publication ID: 47865

Howard Passell, Howard Passell, Munaf Aamir, Munaf Aamir, Michael Bernard, Michael Bernard, Walter Beyeler, Walter Beyeler, Karen Fellner, Karen Fellner, Nancy Hayden, Nancy Hayden, Robert Jeffers, Robert Jeffers, Elizabeth Kistin-Keller, Elizabeth Kistin-Keller, Leonard Malczynski, Leonard Malczynski, Michael Mitchell, Michael Mitchell, Emily Silver, Emily Silver, Vincent Tidwell, Vincent Tidwell, Daniel Villa, Daniel Villa, Eric Vugrin, Eric Vugrin, Peter Engelke, Peter Engelke, Mat Burrow, Mat Burrow, Bruce Keith, Bruce Keith, (2016). Integrated Human Futures Modeling in Egypt https://doi.org/10.2172/1235807 Publication ID: 46739

Walter Beyeler, Michael Mitchell, (2014). Studying the Relationship between System-Level and Component-level Resilience Journal of Complex Systems https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1185012 Publication ID: 39862

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