INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONFIGURING MODELS AND SOFTWARE TO RUN THE EXAMPLES PROVIDED CREATE DIRECTORY STRUCTURE: 1. Create a working directory on your system (e.g. snl_location_software). 2. From the website ( download the following files into the working directory and uncompress them: a. b. SALSA3D_Model.tgz 3. In the working directory, create a subdirectory called libcorr3d_models_tt_delta_ak135 4. From the website (, download the following compressed files into the libcorr3d_models_tt_delta_ak135 subdirectory and uncompress them: a. (select Depth-dependent travel time table for P phase relative to AK135 in GeoTESS Format from website) b. (select Depth-dependent travel time table for PcP phase relative to AK135 in GeoTESS Format from website) c. (select Depth-dependent travel time table for PKPbc phase relative to AK135 in GeoTESS Format from website) d. (select Depth-dependent travel time table for PKPdf phase relative to AK135 in GeoTESS Format from website) 5. When complete, the user should have the following directory structure set up: snl_location_software | | |----------------LocOO3D | | | | | |------Examples | | |--------Data | | |--------Example01 | | |--------Example02 | | |--------Example03 | | |--------Example04 | | | | | |------jars | | |----------------SALSA3D_Model | | | | | |------SALSA3D.geotess | |------salsa3d_distance_dependent_uncertainty_tables | |---tt | | | |---salsa3d_1d | | |----------------libcorr3d_models_tt_delta_ak135 | | |-------PKPbc_geotess_tt_delta_ak135 |-------PKPdf_geotess_tt_delta_ak135 |-------PcP_geotess_tt_delta_ak135 |-------Pmantle_geotess_tt_delta_ak135 CONFIGURE EXECUTABLES: 1. cd into the LocOO3D/jars directory. 2. On your system find the Oracle ojdbc*.jar file. This jar file is not included with LocOO3D. 3. Edit the file LocOO3D/jars/ and change the value of the OJDBC variable to point to the path to your oracle ojdbc*.jar file. Warning: do not allow any spaces around the '=' sign. 4. Go back to the command line in the LocOO3D/jars directory and execute: ./ The script will generate a 'set path' or 'export' command which should be copied to your .cshrc or .bash_profile file. Source your .cshrc file. This will create executable files for locoo3d, supportmap, geotess and libcorr3d programs. SET UP SUPPORT MAP: For background information about support maps, see Appendix D of the LocOO3D Users. 1. cd to the LocOO3D/Examples directory and run: supportmap RUN EXAMPLES: 1. cd to the Examples/Example01 directory and run locoo3d 2. cd to the Examples/Example02 directory and run locoo3d 3. cd to the Examples/Example03 directory and run locoo3d 4. Example04 runs the exact same problem as Example01 but it gets data from a database. Users will need to edit file and specify correct database connection parameters. For the example to run properly, users need to point to database tables for the International Data Center (IDC) Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB).