Other Mitchells

In professional circles, I use my middle initial to help resolve ambiguity: Scott A. Mitchell.


John Pearce Mitchell, my great-grandfather. Stanford chemical engineering professor, Registrar; Red Cross; Palo Alto mayor, a.k.a. “Mr. Palo Alto.” Palo Alto Historical Association bio (local mirror) and photos.

John W. Mitchell, my father, ME Professor Emeritus at UW-Madison.

John C. Mitchell, my brother, CS Professor at Stanford, and was Vice-Provost for teaching and learning, and department chair.

Christopher Wright Mitchell, my brother, writes books for Concordia Publishing House.

Laura Mitchell Schickli, my sister, textiles, knitter, weaver, spinner, teacher, biologist

Robert Mitchell, my cousin, English professor at Duke Kenneth Mitchell, my cousin, in the library IT at Duke.

Noah P. Mitchell, my nephew, physicist who studies the interplay between geometry and physics or biology.

Evan F. Mitchell, my son, is a dentist with his own practice in Albuquerque.

Carissa L. Mitchell, my wife, is talent agent for actors in New Mexico and other markets.

Professionally Related

Joe Mitchell, Computational Geometry, Applied Math professor at SUNY Stony Brook.

William F. Mitchell, Scientific Computing, NIST.

Donald P Mitchell at Mental Landscape published computer graphics papers on ray tracing and filtering in the 1980’s and 1990’s, long before I was interested in the topic. (DP Mitchell on Google scholar)


Scott Mitchell, author of seven ASP/ASP.NET books and founder of 4GuysFromRolla.com.

Scott Mitchell, football quarterback.

Scott Mitchell, Canadian geologist.

Scott Mitchell. Prof. University of Kansas, School of Business. Although, Suzanne Shontz is also a professor at the University of Kansas, and we both work on meshing and had the same advisor.

Wikipedia disambiguation page for “Scott Mitchell”